This exciting venture is the brainchild of Onaje Bell and is the first of its kind in Jamaica. The four year program is intense and promises to focus on producing internationally competitive young professional football players who are academically sound. The concept is simple: We are a private high school for youngsters who want to play professional football. The era of young athletes who are continuously under performing academically must come to an end.
The intelligence, intuition, passion and composure displayed by these players on the pitch must be harnessed and directed by experienced teachers so that these attributes may be reflected academically. With an accomplished and dedicated staff coupled with years of experience, the MRC Football Academy plans to accomplish just that.
The Academic team focuses on cutting edge teaching practices which has yielded tremendous success over the years. Some of these methods include, audio-visual aids, original workbooks for each subject and practical exposure to the application of various subject areas.
Chairman | Director | Mr. Onaje Bell
General Manager | Mr. Roy Thomas |
Company Secretary | Ms. Nina – Grace Sterling
Technical Director | Mr. Luciano Chequini Espirito Santo |
Player Selection | methodology | Mr. Howard Bell
Equipment Manager | Referee | Ms. Donna Brown |